Cyber Defense Challenges

Iowa State University hosts five Cyber Defense Challenges (CDC) each year. CDCs are held on a Friday and Saturday in 1313 Coover Hall. Friday is for final set up and the actual challenge starts at 8 a.m. on Saturday. The scenario for the challenge is released about four weeks prior to the event so that teams can start building their Blue Team network.

How to get involved in the CDC

  • Become a Sponsor. Companies and organizations can sponsor one or more CDCs. Check out our sponsorship letter, which describes the opportunities, here.
  • Play on the Blue Team. Three of the CDCs are open to certain groups outside of Iowa State.
  • Play on the Red Team. Members of the Red Team attack the Blue Team on Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. We welcome anyone who is interested in being a part of the Red Team. Contact to learn more.
  • Play on the Green Team. The Green Team members are users and will spend Saturday testing the usability of the Blue Team systems.
  • Visit the competition. Anyone is welcome to stop by and visit the CDC during setup on Friday afternoon, or during the challenge on Saturday.
  • The Community College CDC is open to any community college in Iowa and surrounding states.
  • The International CDC is open to any school in Iowa, schools in surrounding states as well as teams in Kosovo and surrounding areas.
  • The High School CDC is open to any Iowa high school that participates in the Innovate-IT program.

CDC Dates for 2024 – 2025

Iowa State University CDCSeptember 27-28, 2024
Community College CDCDecember 6-7, 2024
International CDCFebruary 22, 2025
Iowa State University CDCMarch 28-29, 2025
High School CDCApril 26, 2025

If you are interested in participating in a CDC, please contact with your interest!